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When an organisation’s employees are not in the right headspace, or an individual is struggling to cope with a work-related incident or an issue at home, this can have a dramatic impact on their overall mental health and wellbeing.
At Drake WellbeingHub, we are experts in developing tailored workplace assessment tools that help to guide organisations in making data-driven and evidence-informed decisions. We provide access to a wide range of assessment tools to help organisations better understand their workers or clients, workplace climate and suitability for employment. These tools include wellbeing surveys and questionnaires that specifically target core concepts.
Drake WellbeingHub’s broad range of assessment tools are suitable for all organisations, no matter what size, type or industry. Our assessments are designed to provide greater understanding and insights into an organisation and its workforce, which can be utilised to:
We have six different assessment tools available to the organisations we work with. These can help with a range of organisational challenges, to better understand employees and provide insight into where an organisation is at in their wellbeing journey.
From there, we can also work closely alongside your organisation to develop strategies for implementing sustainable positive change.
When it comes to mental health and wellness (as well as overall productivity in the workplace), our wellbeing assessment tools are an invaluable resource. They can help to understand gambling risks, state of wellbeing, personality traits and characteristics of employees or candidates, as well as a number of other topics.
Our current Assessments include:
Contact a member of our wellbeing team to discuss how our workplace
wellbeing assessment tools and other resources can help.