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Domestic and Family Violence
Read MoreThe festive season is among us and what better time to celebrate the year that has been?! For many, 2022 has been a year filled with major highs and major lows. We often talk about the unprecedented events that have impacted the lives of so many over the last few years, but as we enter the final weeks of the year – now is a time to reflect upon what has been, celebrate the wins and start to plan for the new year that awaits.
December is often a month of end-of-year celebrations, Christmas parties and social gatherings. Workplaces hold events, friends and family throw parties and it is generally a time for socialising, coming together and celebrating. There are so many benefits of social wellbeing; it boosts physical and mental health, it promotes better overall wellbeing, it lowers your risk of some health conditions and gives you a sense of safety, security and belonging. At the same time, it’s important to be mindful of how you participate in these activities in order to keep your health, wellbeing and nutrition in check.
The probability of weight gain during the festive season is high. Putting on weight can be a cause of concern, worry and stress for many. The good news is that with these simple tips, you can manage your physical wellbeing and your weight while getting out there and enjoying yourselves!
Tip #1- Avoid going to an event on an empty stomach
Whether you’re going to after-work drinks or a sit-down meal, have something to eat before you go. We tend to overeat and overindulge when we are hungry so it's best to arrive prepared having lined your stomach with a light meal or snack.
Tip #2 – Be selective with your choices
Festivities tend to initiate a free for all approach, where you may find you forget about all the good intentions that you practice during the week. Try to think about:
Tip #3 – Say “later” instead of saying “no”
Succumbing to peer pressure? Finding it difficult to say no? No problems – simply say “later”. It isn’t easy to be the one at the party not drinking or opting not to eat desert.
Tip #4 - Keep active during the holiday season
With all the festivities, late nights and changes to daily schedule, it's not easy committing to regular exercise. Try to fit in a few workouts each week to maintain your baseline fitness level and be creative! Do a few outdoor workouts when the weather allows, organise a group of friends to do an outdoor workout session, go on a hike and get among nature – which of course has dual benefit!
Tip #5 – Be kind to yourself
If you slip off the bandwagon, don’t beat yourself up! After all, it’s the holiday season and you deserve to have some time away from your usual routine, with loved once and let your hair down! If you overindulge on occasion, recognise it, make peace with it and get back to your usual routine the following day. Remember, you eat on average, 21 meals each week. If you slip on one or two meals, it’s no real cause for concern.
The festive season is a time to be with colleagues, friends and family and to enjoy life. While you may not want to detract from all the good work that you did this year, it is important to reduce stress, live your life and not worry about rules and restrictions. Whichever way you choose to spend your holidays, we wish you and your loves ones a happy, healthier and prosperous holiday season from all of us at Drake WellbeingHub.