
Time Saving Ideas

By: Nicole Dynan (Accredited Practising Dietitian)

Just because most of us are working from home these days, does not necessarily mean we have more time to spare. We are often juggling children and work and adjusting to a new routine. These ideas may help you to save time when it comes to buying and preparing food:


  • Shop online
    Make a staple list and just add your extras each week.

  • Prepare food on weekend for the week ahead
    Chopping veggies, making a soup or curry to freeze, and making a healthy snack such as bliss balls can all help keep you on track during the weekday rush.

  • Cook once, eat twice
    Leftovers can be a great way to have a nutritious and easy lunch.

  • Prepare the night before
    Packing a lunchbox the night before can help you stay in a healthy eating routine.

  • Prepare easy, no recipe meals
    The plate model can help guide you when it comes to healthy meals. They do not need to be complex to be nutritious.

  • Store in correct portion sizes
    Reheat or defrost only what you need to avoid food waste.


Need Support?

Contact us to speak to one of our experienced clinicians
AU 1300 135 600 NZ 0800 452 521 [email protected]

Please note, if you feel your safety or another's safety is at serious risk, please always remember to call 000 in Australia and 111 in New Zealand, for emergency assistance.

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