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The last 18 months have caused major disruption and turmoil to the mental health and wellbeing of humanity. There have been few communities untouched by this pandemic. In some countries, life is returning to a semblance of normality though in other countries, rates of transmission and hospital admissions remain high, disrupting the lives of families and communities. In Australia, many states continue to live with restrictions and we all live with fear and uncertainty of what is yet to come. Unfortunately particular demographics have been most affected; healthcare and frontline workers, students, people living alone and those with pre-existing health conditions, to name a few. Those most vulnerable need more than just access to mental health services, but rely greatly on the care and support of those around them in their community.
This weekend, we commemorate Mental Health Day for 2021. The theme for this year is mental health care for all - let's make it a reality. Together, we can make a difference for people all over the world by raising awareness on the importance of mental health services and support, and ensuring everyone has equal access to the right tools and support channels that they need to get through life's challenges.
This year's campaign not only focuses on the importance of preventative healthcare services and accessibility, but the need to support those around us and be an active member of the community. The campaign will encourage people to “Look up, look out, and look forward!”. We are reminded to notice our surroundings, take care of others, and plan for the future with enthusiasm. Despite world mental health day falling on Sunday the 10th this year, October is Mental Health Month, so the theme will continue through the month and provide ample opportunity for us to instill positive change in our lives and contribute to the greater good of humanity.
Mental Health Australia have defined five simple strategies for you to adopt to better manage your mental health and wellbeing:
There is no better time to raise awareness on mental health, improve accessibility of mental health services, and step up and be a team player within your local community. Times are tough and remember that whatever you’re going through, you are not alone.
Drake WellnessHub and Drake WorkWise are here to assist employees and workplaces. If you or someone you know needs additional support, please be sure to reach out to a member of our wellbeing or intake team. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.