
Is your organisation ready for post-COVID?

By: Drake WellbeingHub


This year's global pandemic has forced us to reassess the way in which we live and work, accelerated the adoption of new digital services and technologies, and made organisations question the way in which they operate day-to-day. COVID has redefined how we work, live, travel, shop, socialise and engage with others, changing the world that we live in forever. 


As Victoria’s restrictions ease and national borders start to open up, organisations are now in a timely position to assess their business, support levels and team structures, and ensure they’re well equipped to transition their workers’ back to a COVID-normal. 

Flexibility, technology, health and wellbeing, and attitude are going to be integral to this transitional period, both in the short-term and long-term. 



For a large part of 2020, Australian workers have either worked from home or had a flexi work schedule where they split their time between home and the office. The idea of going back to work for many is daunting; forcing workers back into the rigidity of a 9am - 5pm office job, back on public transport or subject to long commutes, surrounded by colleagues in a confined space may just be a recipe for disaster! If COVID-19 taught us anything, it’s that working remotely doesn't necessarily compromise productivity, engagement levels can be maintained, and you can trust your workforce from afar. Not only will flexibility be key to happy and engaged workers, but help organisations to stand out and become employers of choice. 



Now is the time to up your tech game, if you haven't already! We’re seeing a significant acceleration in digital transformation in organisations globally and if we’re going to support workers in their transition back to BAU and offer flexibility in the working environment and working dynamic, technology needs to be a core part of it. We should be thinking about technology to automate processes, facilitate team cohesion, support remote workers, and up the ante when it comes to communication, with internal and external stakeholders. According to Buffer State Remote Report, 2020 - the two top struggles in working remotely are collaboration and communication, and loneliness. Technology can and should be used to bridge this gap and help workers to effectively collaborate, communicate, and feel supported. 


Health and Wellbeing

According to research conducted by the Wellbeing Lab, 82% of workers reported struggle in 2020. Less workers are constantly thriving and less feel very motivated to work on their wellbeing. Only 38% of workers feel positive about going back to the office. This transition period is daunting for many Australians and now, more than ever, workers are going to be looking to their employer for support and guidance as they navigate this new ‘normal’. According to research just published by ClassPass, “Seventy-five percent of professionals surveyed believe it is their employer’s responsibility to contribute to their health and wellbeing, ideally in part by providing wellness benefits to employees.” There appears to be a huge disparity between organisations thinking they’re providing adequate access to health and wellbeing benefits, versus employees' reception to these benefits. No matter where your organisation is at in its wellbeing journey, there is always value in reviewing and refining your wellness offering to ensure you’re continuing to meet the needs of your workforce. 


Attitude and Mindset Shift 

Organisations effective transition to a COVID normal depends on management's receptiveness and acceptance of fundamental changes in the workplace. Business leaders need to lead with the right attitude, support their workers and show empathy and regard for their overall wellbeing. We’re moving into a time where workers’ wellbeing needs to be prioritised, and workers need to have access to the right support levels and tools in order to continue to thrive in today's world.

2020 was unprecedented. Following unprecedented events, there is always a period of unease and anticipation of what is yet to come. Rather than waiting to see how 2021 unfolds and how workers will manage this transitional period, lets get on the forefront, get the right support levels and tools in place to guarantee success for individuals, teams and organisations. We cannot change the year that has been, but we can influence the year that awaits us.


If you’re looking to better support your workers’ wellbeing, contact our Drake wellbeing experts and schedule your complimentary wellness check today!  Contact us for an obligation free call today.  

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