
Beyond R U OK? Day: Continuing the Conversation Every Day

By: Drake WellbeingHub

R U OK? Day is a powerful reminder of the importance of mental health and the impact we can have by simply checking in with those around us. On this day, we are encouraged to ask, "Are you okay?" and be ready to support someone who might be struggling. But what happens when the day ends? How do we ensure that these conversations continue throughout the year?

The Importance of Ongoing Mental Health Conversations

Mental health is not a one-day concern; it's a continuous journey. Many individuals face challenges daily, and while R U OK? Day shines a spotlight on these issues, the need for support doesn't stop once the calendar turns. At Drake WellbeingHub, we believe in extending the spirit of R U OK? Day into everyday practices to build a supportive and inclusive environment for everyone.


Making Mental Health Part of Everyday Life

  1. Normalise the Conversation: At Drake WellbeingHub, we encourage open dialogue about mental health in every interaction. We believe that the more we talk about mental health, the less stigma surrounds it. By creating a culture where checking in becomes a natural part of daily life, we make it easier for everyone to ask for and offer support.
  2. Educate Yourself and Others: Understanding mental health conditions and how to support someone effectively is crucial. We offer resources, workshops, and training sessions to help educate our clients and community about mental health. When you know how to recognise signs of distress and respond appropriately, you become a valuable source of support.
  1. Practice Active Listening: We advocate for active listening as a key component of effective support. When someone shares their feelings with you, listening without judgment or interruption can be incredibly powerful. At Drake WellbeingHub, we train our team to be empathetic listeners, ensuring everyone feels heard and understood.
  1. Encourage Professional Support: While offering personal support is valuable, we also recognise the importance of professional help. Our team at Drake WellbeingHub is equipped to guide individuals to the appropriate professional resources and encourage them to seek further assistance when needed. We have qualified Counsellors who are equipped to deal with a range of mental health issues.
  2. Lead by Example: Share your experiences, challenges, and coping strategies. By being open about your mental health, you encourage others to do the same. Leading by example can create a ripple effect, making others feel safe to share. Research from the American Psychological Association shows that openness about mental health from leaders can significantly impact organisational culture and encourage others to speak up.

Strategies for Sustaining the Conversation

To keep the spirit of R U OK? Day alive, it's important to integrate mental health awareness into your daily routine. Here are some strategies:

  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule regular check-ins with friends, family, and colleagues. These can be as simple as a text message, a phone call, or a coffee catch-up. Consistent connection shows you care and are there to support them, no matter the time of year. Consistent communication is a proven method to foster support, as noted by Beyond Blue, an Australian mental health and wellbeing support organisation.
  • Create Safe Spaces: Whether in the workplace or at home, create an environment where people feel comfortable sharing their feelings. This could mean having a quiet room for reflection, setting up a peer support group, or simply fostering a non-judgmental atmosphere. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) outlines that safe spaces are critical for reducing mental health stigma and encouraging open dialogue.
  • Promote Self-Care: Encourage self-care practices that help maintain mental wellbeing. This could include mindfulness exercises, physical activities, hobbies, or simply taking time out for oneself. When people see you prioritising self-care, they feel more empowered to do the same. The Mayo Clinic highlights self-care as an essential component of maintaining good mental health.
  • Use Available Tools and Resources: Utilise available tools such as webinars, internal communication channels, and educational flyers to keep the conversation going. Regularly share these resources with your community to remind them of the importance of mental health. Leveraging tools and resources effectively is supported by the National Institute of Mental Health as a means to enhance ongoing mental health conversations.


R U OK? Day serves as a vital prompt to engage in meaningful conversations about mental health, but the journey doesn't stop there. By continuing these conversations every day, we foster a culture of openness, support, and understanding. Remember, asking "Are you okay?" should not be a one-off question but a regular part of our interactions with each other.

Let's commit to making mental health a daily priority, ensuring that everyone feels seen, heard, and supported every single day.

By taking these steps, we can build stronger, more connected communities that prioritise mental wellbeing every day of the year.

We are here to support you and your team on your wellness and mental health journey, to ensure no one feels like they are alone and have been left behind. Get in touch with us to find out how we can assist you and your company.


  1. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020). Mental health services in Australia.
  2. Mental Health Foundation. (2021). Stigma and discrimination.
  3. Mental Health Association. (2019). Active listening and mental health.
  4. World Health Organization. (2021). Mental health: Early intervention and support.
  5. American Psychological Association. (2020). Leadership and mental health in the workplace.
  6. Beyond Blue. (2022). Staying connected for mental health support.

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